Hoogeveen, Exploring the Dynamics of Creating Shared Value at the BoP: Into the Direction of a Theoretical model

The concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV), where both economic, social, and ecological  values are included in business models, has received increasing attention in recent years. The concept has been incorporated in different Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) at the  Bottom of the Pyramid, which will be the context this research will be focussing on. However,  there …

Endregat, Taking a Paradox Perspective on the Coevolution Between Traditional and Sustainable Business Models

This research aims to rectify a paucity in current research and investigates the coevolution of  traditional and sustainable business models under one corporate roof. Through a paradox lens,  firms’ solutions and mechanisms to cope with the paradoxical situations that arise throughout the  coevolution are determined and analyzed. This is executed conducting seven case studies of  …

Nieuwland, Adoption of New Business Models: Development of a measurement tool

This thesis analyses the adoption of New Business Models in multinational corporations.  The aim of this research is to develop a tool to measure the extent to which multinational  corporations adopt New Business Models. Additionally, the measurement tool can be used to compare the extent to which a multinational corporation adopts New Business Models with …

van der Veen, exploring multi-value creation in practice: a study on Dutch businesses involved in developing regions

Only decades ago, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) made its appearanceinto the field of international business. Although subject to large criticism, the concept of CSRhas been widely adopted by the businesses sector. At that time, CSR was dominantly focusedon the responsibility of the entrepreneur. In the present time, we experience a shift from …

Gerrits, Shared Value Creation and Sustainable Development: From Insights into the Process to Developing a Causal Model. Analyzing Energy Cooperatives in Different Institutional Contexts

Several authors claim that we currently live in an era of economic change because the traditional business models, driven by profit, are unsustainable. New business models evolve in the direction of a shared value approach, where cooperation among diverse parties (business, citizens, and government) is essential to create other values besides profit. This research aims …

Pereira, Unravelling multi-value creation: the case of solar energy initiatives

Several authors claim that we currently live in an era of change, because the existingmodel is not sustainable. Collaboration among different parties (government, citizens andcompanies) to create other values besides economic is essential to evolve into the direction ofnew sustainable models. This transition faces some barriers including the establishedtraditions, rules and laws and the existing …

Nestler, What can we learn from social entrepreneurs and their community building aspect for future business models?

This master thesis tries to give new insights about future business model opportunities by scrutinizingsocial entrepreneurs and their community building aspects. Taking business- models and ideas ofPorter (Kramer & Porter, 2011) and Jonker (Jonker, 2014) in the multi-actor multi-value matrix byPennink (Pennink, 2016) into account one could see that those models have a strong companyperspective. …

Fritze, Shared Value Creation and Value Based Management in the context of Humanitarian Action

Sharing value refers to a management strategy in the business context first introduced by Porter and Kramer (2006) proposing that creating economic value by addressing societal issues and challenges increases an organizations productivity and innovation thereby facilitating its competitive advantage on the market. Since, the number of hybrid organizations mixing social and economic value systems …

van Beusekom, Multi-value creation: it is not all about the money

We are currently transitioning from an unsustainable, linear economy to a sustainable circular economy (Broekhoven, 2018). The current transaction model where the company takes the lead should change to a model where many actors create a coherent set of values together (Jonker, 2016). This model is called multi-value creation and leads to new, sustainable business …

Astiwi, The Role of Communication in Sustainability Transition Emerging Society: A study of Dutch – Indonesia New Business Model Setup

This paper aims to address the dearth of scientific literature on the communication process of sustainability transition in emerging markets/countries, as well as the newly arising literature on New Business Model. At the current stage, some developing countries still have an unfavorable infrastructure for sustainability. New Business Model with global partnership can take an essential …