Misker, Strengthening Local Governments in Tanzania. Defining the training needs of the financial employees.

In this thesis the training needs of financial employees at Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Tanzania are analyzed. This thesis focuses on financial decentralization, which means that decisions on resource allocation, planning and financial matters are made at grass root levels. Data are collected by focused interviews with the financial employees at 7 LGAs in …

ter Heijne, Institutional performance and financing; How to stimulate economic development for local communities: The case of Kupang, Indonesia.

Focus is on the performance of financing institutions ins LEDs via a case study. The results of the case study showed low levels of inter-institutional collaboration, inadequate education and knowledge diffusion, and inappropriate financial services. Human coordination has the largest impacts and also impacts its fellow variables.

Bosscha, Technical education and development. Internal and external factors influencing sustainability of atchnical institute in Ghana.

This research investigates the internal and external factors that exert influence on the sustainability of the technical institute in Ghana during the project-assistance and post-assistance phase and the role of the different stakeholders in this process. These are the direct Ghana, and elements that influence the project team, in the Netherlands. Furthermore, internal factors that influence …