Vredegoor, Endogenous variables and the influence they have on the sustainability and competitiveness of regional seaweed industries in Indonesia. ​

The competitiveness of a region is an important factor of local economic development. However, in the existing model there is one variable missing which can influence a region’s competitiveness for the better; human coordination. Public and private companies, entrepreneurs, institutions and the community should all work together in regional/local economic development projects to get the greatest …

van Leeuwen, Local Economic Development: An Investigation of Success Factors.

If a local economic development program is a success depends on several factors. There are regional factors which are different for every program and general success factors. The general success factors are active participation of local stakeholders, awareness creation, leadership, collaboration between the public and private sector and involvement of local actors in the planning …

Dooijewaard, Collaborative strategy and institutional interference to stimulate innovation in regional economic development.

Innovation and collaboration positively influence competitiveness of the region and regional economic development. The best innovation policy comes from a combination of a top-down and a bottom-up approach, where the national government, regional and local institutions and local actors come together. Creative ideas have to stem from within the region and only sometimes need institutional …

Bakker, Microfinance competition in Tanzania.

As a result of competition, managers of Microfinance industries in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania tend to focus on innovation of products and increasing the level of service in their company policy.   However, competition did not affect management opinion on the level of target group risk, excluding poor customers from the target group, the relationship between …

Suvandjiev, What are the effects of mining companies CSR strategies over the Sustainable Development at the Triple-Bottom-Line in South Africa? Evidence from Anglo Platinum Ltd. ​

Being one of the richest in mineral ores in the world, South Africa is also known to be with some of the highest poverty rates on the African continent. As mining companies are accumulating vast amounts of profits it seems that very little is being returned to the local communities and the society in general. …

Geerligs, Success factors for agricultural farmers’ market organizations: empirical results from Ethiopia. ​

In this study we have identified important success factors for farmers’ market organizations (FMOs) by conducting eight case studies in Ethiopia. This is one of the first studies that focuses on the success of cooperatives as a whole instead of concentrating on the (improved) level of economic welfare of members in cooperatives. Furthermore, we have …