Hoogeveen, Exploring the Dynamics of Creating Shared Value at the BoP: Into the Direction of a Theoretical model

The concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV), where both economic, social, and ecological  values are included in business models, has received increasing attention in recent years. The concept has been incorporated in different Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) at the  Bottom of the Pyramid, which will be the context this research will be focussing on. However,  there …

Broeksma, taking the Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BoP) and the local context serious: integrating general and local context-dependent factors from the BoP into a framework for analysing business sectors in emerging markets

The Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BoP) segment in emerging markets represents a major growth  potential for firms, including multinational enterprises (MNEs) from developed countries.  However, the continued lack of success of MNEs in these markets has shown that generic one size-fits-all strategies for the BoP are not appropriate as BoP contexts differ between countries.  Current frameworks for analysing …

Richard van Genderen, Integration of the Bottom of the Pyramid in the Business Models of Indonesian MNCs: New ways of thinking about Corporate Social Responsibility.

CSR is about conquering the future market, through investing in the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP). The long term conquering of this market is argued to be helped by integrating the BoP market into the value chain. Important for this is collaboration between different types of leaders at both local and regional level and a …

Mark Vredegoor, Endogenous variables and the influence they have on the sustainability and competitiveness of regional seaweed industries in Indonesia.

The competitiveness of a region is an important factor of local economic development. However, in the existing model there is one variable missing which can influence a region’s competitiveness for the better; human coordination. Public and private companies, entrepreneurs, institutions and the community should all work together in regional/local economic development projects to get the greatest …

Ratih Kusuma Dewi, Deciding Evaluation in Local Economic Development.

Local Economic Development programs can be evaluated using the CIPP (context, input, process and product) model. Context can be seen as the goals for local economic development, the input are the plans to reach those goals, the processes are the actions taken to execute the plans and the product is the outcome of the actions. …

Li Zhang, The Research of Regional and Local Economic Development in Intraprovincial Inequality.

Local Economic Development is also about imbalance within a region or country, and how to reduce this imbalance. Several things are important for this. First of all, both national and local government should introduce a policy which reduces the imbalance and create coordinated economic and development. This can be done via preferential treatments, tariffs etc. …

Vincent Wolfard, Local Economic Research Development: A synopsis of the projects in Indonesia.

There have been set up numerous LERD projects over the past years, but not every project is very successful. Projects need more socialization in the form of collaboration between universities, the government, local leaders and entrepreneurs. Universities can also provide education and stimulate innovation. Furthermore, the quality of the coordination of entrepreneurial activities can be …

Dooijerweerd, Collaborative Strategy and Institutional Interference to Stimulate Innovation in Regional Economic Development.

In this research the objective was to find out how collaboration, collaborative strategy and institutional interfere with sustainable competitive development of innovation in a developing region in Indonesia?  It can be concluded that the impact of institutional interference and collaborations on innovation in this specific region is significant. There is a basis for innovation based …

Becker, Cooperation in Burkinabe management teams.

The main purpose of this research is to explore the ways in which Burkinabe managers cooperate in top-level management teams. It was found that they are usually not competent to make all necessary decisions to perform their tasks as a top management team.  They solve problems in a routine manner and communication between team members …