
Bartjan Pennink studied sociology at the University of Groningen from 1977 to 1984. In 2004 he obtained his doctorate at the same university with Jo van Engelen and Ton de Leeuw on the thesis “Managing together with images: developing a model”. During his PhD research he conducted research and taught in Burkina Faso together with Luchien Karsten. Since 1984, Pennink has been a research assistant at the University of Groningen, the first four years as a researcher at the Faculty of Social Science, then from 1988 at the Faculty of Economics and Business as a university lecturer in the Systems Engineering department, and since 2008 in the International Business department. and Management. In these positions, he supervised contract research in China in 1994, Vietnam in 2002, Mexico in 2004, and Brazil in 2007. He is also involved in teaching qualitative methodology for the Netherlands Organization for Research in Business Economics & Management (NOBEM).
- Bartjan Pennink. Verschillen in beelden: een multi-method benadering. Ism. P. Terlouw. NOBO Papers. Rotterdam, 1993.
- Bartjan Pennink. Le debut de la recherche. Cooperation U.O Faseg. Burkina Faso/Faculteit Bedrijfskunde Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 1995.
- Bartjan Pennink . De kracht van het verbeelden oftewel hoe kunnen managers door het gebruik van beelden in teams beter samen werken, 1997. Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het 30-jarig bestaan van de Vereniging van Hoofden Personeelszaken in de Gezondheidszorg.
- Bartjan Pennink. “Dealing with different viewpoints in product development”. In: W.G. Biermans, Proceedings of the 4th international workshop ‘‘Meeting the challenges of product developments, pp. 262-271, 16-18 april 1998, Groningen, 1998.
- Bartjan Pennink. Samenwerken in managementteams; het creëren van gemeenschappelijke beelden. april 2003. Faculteit Bedrijfskunde Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Alumnivereniging BRUG (interne uitgave), 2003.
- Bartjan Pennink en Jan Jonker, De kern van methodologie: een inleiding. Ism.. Assen: Van Gorcum, 2000.
- Bartjan Pennink. Samen managen met beelden: het ontwikkelen van een model. Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2004.
- Jan Jonker en Bartjan Pennink. The essence of research methodology: A concise guide for master and PhD students in management science. Springer Science & Business Media, 2010.
- Pennink, B.J.W. (2014) Dimensions of Local Economic Development: Towards a Multi-level, Multi Actor model Journal of Business and Economics. Issn 2155-7950 January 2014 volume 5, no 1, pp 42-48
- J.E. Fokkema, B.J.W. Pennink, T.M. Simatupang, 2017, Coordinating technology introduction and entrepreneurship in rural areas. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business DOI Vol. 31. Issue 3, 2017