Local economic development

The model for Local Economic Development is established by Dr. Bartjan Pennink together with numerous master students. Jointly many aspects of the model were cultivated and the model strengthened. The theses of the master students are linked to the model and can be found in the archives section. The model is split into six main themes. These themes can be found on the right menu. Per theme, the seperate components are introduced and possibilities for further research are highlighted. Every component contains several theses exploring the corresponding component. In the video below, ways to stimulate a local population to improve the region that they are living in are described. This video can serve as a begin to start thinking about how to help local people to create a sustainable healthy economic situation for themselves.
The goal
The purpose of this website is to highlight and share the the different aspects involved in Sustainable Local Economic Development. By encorporating the different facets and actors involved, the model strives to create a thorough overview for creating value and opeating at a local level. This information subsequently can be used for further research on the topic, or used by consultants to enhance and ground decision-making.
The data included per theme mainly consist of students’ Mastertheses from the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Besides, contributions of Honours College bachelor theses and joint publications are included. All contributions can be found per category, but also a complete overview can be found in the archives section as mentioned.